Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 1 ( Cybersafety)

1. Safety Tips on Blogging~~ No one thinks about the term "about me" when setting up their profile on the internet. There is a very high rate of teenagers putting where they live, their age, their name, their nickname, and their contact info. Of course with anything else in life there is a risk to you when giving the whole world access to this very important information. The biggest risk out of everything is everyone has YOUR WHOLE IDENTITY! We all need to make sure our children, preteens, teenagers and ourselves are safe. Watch what you type into the "about me", "interests", "surveys", and "what are you doing now." This could turn out to be very dangerous!
2.Online predators: Help minimize the risk~~Lets Chat... We have all heard that term before right? Well I certainly have. We all need to become more aware of the danger in this remark. Doesn't really matter your age, name, sex or anything to the sort. Their are predators that come in every form. They are looking for young to old. They are "predators." Reading this link has opened my eyes a lot. The online predators gets all the latest news so they are ready to hunt for their age group. Kind of sad but, so true. We as parents or just to protect ourselves can make sure we take precautions to prevent a "predator" to get to us. We need to make sure there are parental controls and make sure you never give out personal information to anyone. Please be aware. Predators come in many forms. Check and read your email and/or your child's email to make sure they aren't being targeted. This happens a lot. Please watch your childrens social networking groups. Make sure they aren't being targeted. If you think your child is being targeted, block the person and call the local police. If you don't it could be tragic.
3.How to manage your online reputation~~If you have anything to do with the web, then you most likely have a "online reputation." Sometimes this could be good but, it can also be bad. Everyone can look everyone up with just their name now days. Its all for the public to see. So with this being said, you should look up your own name to see what comes up. Some, if not all of your employers will look you up on the internet. So, making sure you have a good rap sheet is a good idea. Has your parents ever told you "watch what you say and where you say it?" Well, this is a very good time to do so. Anything you put on the web even if it's in a blog, facebook, myspace, email etc... could always get back around to you. Watching your what you say is a big term. It's one of those terms that is meant for every where. So start today look yourself up, by your name, age, gender etc. See if some of your stuff comes up. Take precaution in what is on your pages. Years from now you might end up seeing it again. Hope all this helps :)
Alright, so this is week number one with this class. I am hoping that everything goes well. But, lets start with my current level of comfort with computers and with Microsoft Office 2007. I am pretty good when it comes to computers. I really like being on them and learning new things. I would say from a scale from one to ten with comfort with computers I am about an eight. I would defiantly love to learn more. My best aspect of the computer would have to be typing. I type about seventy two words a minute. I would love to become faster. But, I will take what I can do. As for Microsoft Office, I am pretty well off. But, I need to learn more on Excel. I struggle with it more than I would like. I know sometime in the near future, in this class, I will be learning a lot more on this. I can't wait. So far, in this class, its going pretty well. This is only the first week and I am sure its gonna get harder. I am up for the challenge. I really enjoy taking this class and so far its been fun. There so far isn't any challenges for me.. They will soon come. It has taken me about ten hours to complete what I have gotten done so far. I am almost done with everything.. Just two more quiz's. Just for kicks and giggles. I am gonna tell you a little bit about my week.. So far this week has gone pretty well. The only thing is I recently (not even a full week ago) had surgery on the crown of my head. I have about thirteen stitches and I cannot wait until I get them out. Running a daycare will be a lot easier without a headache. My sons are growing up so very fast. Makes me feel old. But, yes I can't wait until I get to meet everyone!! I'm going to head to bed. Talk with everyone soon..

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you posted how your week was going after you wrote your assignment. I thought my week was going crazy trying to get stuff done while having company in town for the Holiday. It's nothing compared to surgery. Take care.
    Tammy Vergara
