Monday, June 14, 2010


Are we seriously done? Wow I think we are. This is very good but, bad in the same way. I am thinking that I might make it after all. I’ve come to terms with myself; I have got to get this done one way or another. There is no way around it. So I actually took some time and locked myself in my room and started working on all the work I am behind on. This is not easy for someone who thinks nothing is ever clean, and needs to be cleaned. Yes I am OCD. It’s not the best thing to have when you’re trying to do your school work. This class has actually taught me a lot. My favorite assignment has got to be the blogs. Just because I can ramble on and actually have an adult conversation with myself. Having a daycare it seems like I talk kid all the time. I have got to say this is one weird but fun class. I don’t want to take it again, so I’m playing catch up still. In every blog I’m playing catches up. Have you noticed that? Any-ways. This class this week I’ve spent twenty plus hours on. Just trying to get everything done is hard to do, especially when it is all at the last minute. I got this though, I hope. I’m thinking I can just get this stuff in a few minutes. We will see what happens though. It is time to cram like no other. Staying up until three in the morning to finish everything is really hard for me.
Alright there is this really cool new laptop out in France it’s called the Archos 13. I read it is one of the most exciting computers to have. They said its best for gamers. That wouldn’t be me. I just get excited about new things in general. The news is that is has only been released in France. Dang to bad for us way over here in America. This seems to be a really nice computer, it has everything wifi, Bluetooth, 6-cell battery. This computer is defiantly off the chain. Oh gamers get your check books fly to France and get the hook up. I think the last thing we need right now in this economy is new laptops being made. But, hey who am I to say how far people can go into debt for some gadget right.

YAY.. wait no.. were almost done.

So only a couple more weeks of school and were done! I am excited; I probably will not ever look at my computer again. Looking at this screen for six hours straight is starting to drive me nuts. The work isn’t that hard it’s looking at this computer screen. I really need some help on my work. I’m still behind all because I’ve let myself get that way. It’s kind of a pain in my butt. But with only a couple of weeks left I’m thinking I can hold on tight. This will be a bumpy ride. Only because playing catch up isn’t as easy as you think. This is a really hard thing to do. I really enjoy this class it’s just I’m not used to having to have a computer in my lap all the time. I just really want to pass this class. I have been working really hard to get things done but, I have hardly accomplished anything. I keep telling myself to stay afloat but, honestly I am already half way to the bottom. I’m trying my best to get back up there though. We will see what I can do. I am thinking I can do it. I hope I am thinking in the right way. I think that someday I will be happy that I got this class and learned more about computers. Now day’s kids are in algebra in the first grade. Laptops for kindergarteners are next! You can take that to the bank.


Alright here I am again, talking your ears off. Is that possible to talk someone’s ears off by reading? I’m thinking a yes for that one. Alright I got caught up a little bit, not by much though. I’m still working on homework every day. I have recently learned I am starting to hate my computer. This computer lately has really gotten on my nerves. Really it is gotten on my last nerve. I don’t think it’s the class that I am starting to hate I honestly believe it is the computer. It doesn’t do most of the stuff I want it to do, and it’s a brand new computer. I am thinking of throwing it out the window. (But my husband said no) I will be working on something like Digital Literacy and either it won’t start for me or else it quits in the middle of it. UGH. Then I have to go back through and do it again. Did I mention I don’t like Digital Literacy? It gets on my nerves also. It is just one of those things I think I can live without. Maybe. Even though it is a good thing to have, it’s just not for me. I need a vacation already. This class, this computer, this life, it’s all too much for me. I’m thinking the Bahamas will be good for a couple of weeks. Right now that would never happen though. Wow my imagination goes wild. Anyways on Netflix there are a few great movies to watch you guys should check them out.

Let's not Laugh at this.

This is no laughing matter when I say I’m in the hole. I’m in the hole in school work. But, I’m not going to complain because I am right here working on it. At this very minute I am so close to being done I can taste it. Too late to give up now, I have got to keep going. Wow, working on this class, work, being a mom and all that good stuff is really hard to do. Why can’t I be super mom? Wait; to my sons I am super mom. They think I snap my fingers and everything is done. Well just a secret everything that is done in my house usually has a lot of tears associated with them. There is so much school work, house work, yard work, and then work in general that I feel like I can’t go any further. This class has taken me longer to finish than I ever expected. I was hoping by now I would be all caught up but, I was wrong. I am still behind struggling. I’ll get this someday, hopefully soon though. I’m thinking right about now my guardian angel could come down and help me. But, I’m sure she see’s I have tons of work and say no thanks. The only thing I really struggle with in this class is Digital Literacy. I really liked the old computer concepts book we had. But, some things have to be changed. One of those things can be my way of thinking. 

WoWzZeR 6 aLrEaDy

Here we are on week six. This shall be good. Things are getting better and class work is getting harder. My sons are finally all better but, my dad is getting worse. I’m trying my hardest to stay afloat but, honestly it’s not working at all. I’m still behind in my work and praying isn’t helping get it done. I rush thru most of my work hoping for a miracle to happen but nothing. I’m thinking the hardest thing so far is the Digital Literacy. This program hates me with a passion. I think it wants me to fail. It won’t work at all on my computer. Again I’m praying for a miracle to happen. This work isn’t going to do itself. I try to spend as much time on my homework as I can. I haven’t looked at the clock to see how much time I spend on it. But I know it’s a lot of time. I’m hoping that I will get caught up soon. But it’s a lot I have to catch up on. I just need to think positive. Also I’ll try to keep telling myself I can do it. Some things just seem like it’s too much on me. This is one of those things. I have to say I’m a pretty good floater but this I think has got me beat. But here I am, doing what I do best, working on more work. Sooner or later this will get done and hopefully I will pass this class. If I don’t, I don’t know what I would do. Seeing that this is the second time I’ve taken this class. Alright time to get back to some more assignments. Have fun.

Alread Week 5

So this is already week five. We are just about half way thru this class. As I sit here typing this paper, knowing I am behind on a few things I wonder if I will ever finish what I started. Thinking I won’t and hoping I will. This class is really starting to teach me a few more things about my computer but, it seems I can’t stay caught up. I am struggling to get all the school work done. I know that it should have already been done and now I am paying for it. It takes me quite a while to do the work for this class. Especially since I am now dealing with a few sick kids. I sometimes wonder if they get sick only so ill put the computer down and focus on them. Either way they always get my attention. This week I have gotten so much bad news that it’s really took a toll on me. With my kids being sick and me having to tend to them I also got a phone call from my dad who told me he had another heart attack. So with all that I have to honestly say this class was not on my priority list. Not a good thing at all. I’m one of those who thinks they need to do and take care of everyone. Hopefully I will get caught up really soon so I don’t have to cram for the rest of my life on everything else. 