Monday, June 14, 2010

Let's not Laugh at this.

This is no laughing matter when I say I’m in the hole. I’m in the hole in school work. But, I’m not going to complain because I am right here working on it. At this very minute I am so close to being done I can taste it. Too late to give up now, I have got to keep going. Wow, working on this class, work, being a mom and all that good stuff is really hard to do. Why can’t I be super mom? Wait; to my sons I am super mom. They think I snap my fingers and everything is done. Well just a secret everything that is done in my house usually has a lot of tears associated with them. There is so much school work, house work, yard work, and then work in general that I feel like I can’t go any further. This class has taken me longer to finish than I ever expected. I was hoping by now I would be all caught up but, I was wrong. I am still behind struggling. I’ll get this someday, hopefully soon though. I’m thinking right about now my guardian angel could come down and help me. But, I’m sure she see’s I have tons of work and say no thanks. The only thing I really struggle with in this class is Digital Literacy. I really liked the old computer concepts book we had. But, some things have to be changed. One of those things can be my way of thinking. 

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