Monday, June 14, 2010
Alright there is this really cool new laptop out in France it’s called the Archos 13. I read it is one of the most exciting computers to have. They said its best for gamers. That wouldn’t be me. I just get excited about new things in general. The news is that is has only been released in France. Dang to bad for us way over here in America. This seems to be a really nice computer, it has everything wifi, Bluetooth, 6-cell battery. This computer is defiantly off the chain. Oh gamers get your check books fly to France and get the hook up. I think the last thing we need right now in this economy is new laptops being made. But, hey who am I to say how far people can go into debt for some gadget right.
YAY.. wait no.. were almost done.
Let's not Laugh at this.
WoWzZeR 6 aLrEaDy
Alread Week 5
Sunday, May 30, 2010
WeEk 4.
Week four has came entirely too fast. I have gotten behind in a lot of my classes. I am trying my hardest to get caught up. It all takes time. That is why I am locked in my room doing this. It is good for the soul. So with this week things have not really been good on my side. That saying things come in three’s, yeah I think that is right. Three of my family members have been in the hospital. I was supposed to take vacation, well my vacation ended up turning into a family crisis. This happens to me a lot. It’s alright I still got to see my family, just not like I wanted. I did get to see the ocean which was very soothing. Things have defiantly been rough but, I’m trying to keep my head above water. Everything happens for a reason. This reason being my family is in the hospital, I have not a clue. But, they will pull threw. J
So with this being week four of class, I am understanding pretty well. So far not to many problems comprehending. I am hoping I start learning some new stuff. I’m always wanting to learn something new. I love to teach my sons the things I learn. I’m not spending enough time in this class doing my work that is what caused me to get so far behind. I’m pulling it together though. I’m thinking I will have learned so many new things by the time this class is over that my head will be spinning. Which is a good thing my head will be spinning. I continue to ask myself what does Robin have in store for us next!!. We can only wait and see.. Hehe.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
tHiiS hAs GoT tO bE fUn.
So I recently found this website called that is all about current events. I found that they have the top twenty websites for the week. These websites are all about computers. I find this place very interesting because it gives you websites for interesting downloads. I personally like the cool tool of the day website. Like I say its the top twenty websites so everyone may have their own opinion. The other one that I love is the free downloads that they give. I personally don't download anything on my computer, but I always tell my friends that have computers so they can get some stuff. Also their is a new site for computer news. It hasn't been out for that long. So I am not one hundred percent about it. But, I know it keeps you up to date on all the computer news. is the site. I think that with this site every one can learn something from it. I hope everyone enjoys this weeks blog. Thanks :) Christina
Monday, April 19, 2010
Weeks Go By!
This is week two of this computer class. So far so good. Kind of. I have gotten most of this work done but, I am behind due to some surgery I just had on my head. This class would be a lot more enjoyable if I didn't have a headache all the time. But, life goes on right? The reason I had surgery was because I was born with two small bumps on the crown of my head. They are just known as nautical scars. No one knows what they are or were caused by. So after twenty two years of these bumps getting on my nerves I finally went in and had them taken off. Alright, not just like that but, after the EEG, MRI, and a few biopsies they came off. They weren't connected to anything so surgery was a lot easier. Twenty one stitches and an incision line was left on my head. Its like a little hole now but, soon it will just be a perfect little line. This is why the headaches have been affecting my homework. I have to say at least it was not the dog. In the middle of all this surgery stuff with me, my four year old comes down with some virus. He has had a fever, vomiting, coughing, and a runny nose. For some reason this little virus has hit practically everyone on my side of the family. Both of my sons are momma's boys. So they don't want me to do anything but hold them. My arms are so worn that I can barley lift them. But, these things makes me know why I love being a mommy. So while my son and I were on the couch sick as all get out, my youngest goes outside and picks us a whole bunch of dandelions. It made me feel so special. The little things in life like dandelions are what makes me feel like I'm doing something right. So now I am playing catch up on all of my homework with all of my classes. Where there is a will there is a way!! I have a will!. My family and I are counting down the days until we get to go on vacation. We can't wait, we deserve it after all the hard work we have done. This will be our first family vacation, and were gonna have the time of our lives! It will be in the middle of this class, so, its looking as if you guys will get to see the vacation also. Speaking of the middle of this class, this class is going good. I usually spend around eight hours a week on it. Getting my classes are really important to me. Seeing that I know a little bit about computers, its not to hard for me. I do struggle a little, but, when I do I try with the next chapter to study a little more. The only part that I don't like about this class is the digital part. I think I really like the book a lot better. But, I will hopefully get used to doing the digital literacy a little better. I do enjoy doing the skills review though, it seems to teach me a little more every time about my computer. So after all is said and done I have to say math is still my favorite subject!! :) Hope everyone else enjoys this blog as much as me :) Have a good day!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Week 1 ( Cybersafety)
2.Online predators: Help minimize the risk~~Lets Chat... We have all heard that term before right? Well I certainly have. We all need to become more aware of the danger in this remark. Doesn't really matter your age, name, sex or anything to the sort. Their are predators that come in every form. They are looking for young to old. They are "predators." Reading this link has opened my eyes a lot. The online predators gets all the latest news so they are ready to hunt for their age group. Kind of sad but, so true. We as parents or just to protect ourselves can make sure we take precautions to prevent a "predator" to get to us. We need to make sure there are parental controls and make sure you never give out personal information to anyone. Please be aware. Predators come in many forms. Check and read your email and/or your child's email to make sure they aren't being targeted. This happens a lot. Please watch your childrens social networking groups. Make sure they aren't being targeted. If you think your child is being targeted, block the person and call the local police. If you don't it could be tragic.
3.How to manage your online reputation~~If you have anything to do with the web, then you most likely have a "online reputation." Sometimes this could be good but, it can also be bad. Everyone can look everyone up with just their name now days. Its all for the public to see. So with this being said, you should look up your own name to see what comes up. Some, if not all of your employers will look you up on the internet. So, making sure you have a good rap sheet is a good idea. Has your parents ever told you "watch what you say and where you say it?" Well, this is a very good time to do so. Anything you put on the web even if it's in a blog, facebook, myspace, email etc... could always get back around to you. Watching your what you say is a big term. It's one of those terms that is meant for every where. So start today look yourself up, by your name, age, gender etc. See if some of your stuff comes up. Take precaution in what is on your pages. Years from now you might end up seeing it again. Hope all this helps :)